How Jamaicans can stay awake all night while studying for Exams

Hello fellow Jamaican High School and college students! Cramming for that final exam!? After a long day of classes it’s hard to stay awake studying.

If you’re struggling to stay awake, fighting to keep your eyes open or dozing off while reading, it’s going to be difficult to remember anything that you’ve studied.

For this reason, I’ve complied these very several simple Physical and Chemical Techniques that I currently use to stay awake. They’re tried and tested and guaranteed to work.

Physical Techniques for staying stay awake all night

Here are a few of my favourite physical techniques for staying awake at nights! But first watch this video on how to stay awake and some of the side effects of sleep deprivation!

Get Up and Move

I often listen to fast paced up tempo music usually found in workout videos during study breaks. Getting up and moving was the perfect way to keep myself awake and alert and can involve:

  1. Walk around the room
  2. Jump up and down
  3. Stretching

This get the blood flowing and prevents you from dozing off.

Study with Others

To stay awake while studying, find a study partner or study group. The company will make sure that you’re awake and focused. Best to have some markers, a whiteboard and a cleaning rag to use while solving problems, keeping you active and moving.

They can also keep on the right track by preventing you from studying off topic, going on social media as well as provide intellectual and emotional support with whom you can study and verify answers.

Don’t Get Too Comfortable

Before you settle in to study, get your study area ready but not too comfortable. Melatonin, the hormone that makes humans sleepy, is brought on by darkness, so turn on your brightest lights.

Try to work in a room with fluorescent lighting, if possible. Also keep the temperature slightly cooler than normal. Even better, get rid of your chair and study stand up.

Chew Gum

Chewing gum can keep you awake and alert, as it keeps your mouth active, making it hard for you to go to sleep. Keep a few packs of your favorite gum flavors with your books and notes and rotate the flavours; the more sour the better. You have to consciously remove it from your mouth to even sleep, a cue that will remind you to stay awake.

Rotate Study Topics

When you start to feel yourself fading, try to rotate what you study. Move to the next topic that you need to cover to prevent mental exhaustion.

Take Power Naps

A power nap only lasts 20 to 30 minutes, but it can make all the difference. Take a quick nap between classes to help you get through your study session later. This will help you survive crashing should you pull an all-nighter and not get the required 8 hours of sleep.

Chemical Techniques for staying stay awake all night

Ok, now here are a few of my favourite chemical techniques for staying awake at nights! If you’re worried about sleep deprivation and the lack of focus after an all-nighter, this video will guide you on how best to power through the day.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating fattening foods will make you feel slow and sluggish. You need to eat a healthy and balanced diet.

Choose foods high in nutrients like salads, soups, potatoes, and lean proteins or take vitamin supplements, such as Neuro Focus (Doctor’s Health Labs, Inc, 2018), which is a combination of natural herbs that will boost your memory.

For sugar boosts, stick to foods like apples and oranges with natural sugars; avoid artificial sugars (Deer, 2016, August 8) as they’re more likely to make you fall asleep.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration makes you sleepy. Keep a water bottle with you (Deer, 2018, January 27), and start drinking whenever you start to feel tired to combat sleepiness.

Drink Caffeinated Beverages but avoid alcohol

Drinking caffeinated beverages is another way to stay awake. However, refrain from drinking alcohol while studying. Note that caffeine is dangerous if you consume more than 100mg per day. Try Dark Chocolate instead (Deer, 2014, July 19), as it’s warm and it’ll boost your ocytoxin levels, keeping you awake and focused.

These study methods have worked for me so I share them with my many fans and followers. Sharing is caring so share them with other people who may need to pull an all-nighter for that Big Exam!!!


  1. Deer, L. (2014, July 19). How Chocolate and Cocoa are healthier alternatives as No Caffeine High from Dark Chocolate. Retrieved from
  2. Deer, L. (2016, August 8). How to Spot Hidden Sugar and How to Avoid Eating Too Much. Retrieved from
  3. Deer, L. (2018, January 27). How Jamaicans can stay Hydrated with Water in the Summer. Retrieved from
  4. Doctor’s Health Labs, Inc. (2018). Neuro Focus – #1 Physician Formulated Natural Brain Function Booster To Support Memory, Focus & Clarity- Nootropic with Super Gingko Biloba, St. Johns Wort & Bacopa- 100% Money Back Guarantee. Retrieved from

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