How Jamaicans can stay Hydrated with Water in the Summer

The human body is 50% to 70% water, which is needed for the body to function properly.  Water is used by the body for respiration, the diffusion of nutrients to the cells in the body and the removal of waste by the kidneys.

It also keeps the skin hydrated and the brain functioning properly. Muscle tissue is comprised of 75% water which is lost through regular work and exercise.

To sum it up, you can go 40 day without food but you’d only last 7 without water. As such, you should be trying to develop a habit of regular water consumption. So with the summer months on the horizon, how do you stay hydrated?

How to know when you are thirsty – 8 ounces a day should be your goal

The first thing you need to do is constantly drink water; never wait until you feel thirsty or parched, when your throat is dry and your lips start cracking.

This is because the feeling of thirst is in the mind; as soon as the water touches your tongue that feeling will go away, but you may need more water.

Also be careful not to mistake thirst for hunger. Too often people get too thirsty and mistake it for hunger, resulting in overeating. Also do not drink while eating, as this disrupts the digestive process and affect the effectiveness of the salivary amylase breaking down food.

Practice drinking eight to ten eight-ounce glasses of water per day. Travelling with a water decanter and sip on the liquid throughout the day to achieve that goal. Drink more water if you are before, during and after an exercise session, to keep well hydrated.

So what are the best sources of water?

Sources of water – Flavour it naturally

Aside from your water decanter, you can also get water from other sources e.g. organic water from fruits and vegetables, and, of course, other liquids.

Coconut water is a great source as it keeps you hydrated but provide essential nutrients. If you hate the taste of plain old water, add lime and other fruits to water to enhance the flavour. So how can you tell that you are getting enough water?

Urine colour and weight – Water in the diet changes you

You can check the colour of your urine; take note of how often you are urinating and its colour. Urine colour should be just a light shade of yellow.

If it’s bright yellow, you need more water in your system. Cut down on the fluids if your urine looks colourless as well as hidden sugars (Deer, 2016, August 8) in your diet.

Weighing yourself daily can help check hydration as your weight should not fluctuate too much.

Sports Drinks and Hydration – Replacing lost salts in the morning and during exercise

Choose rehydrated sports drink with low sugar content, especially if you are older (Deer, 2016, December 12); Five grams per eight-ounce is the recommendation.

Always aim to awake hydrated by keeping a glass of water near your bedside for the times you may wake in the middle of the night feeling thirsty. This may also keep you awake, time which you can use to get work done.

Overall the benefits of frequent hydration translate to a better lifestyle in terms of regulating your sugar intake and handling of weight.


  1. Deer, L. (2016, August 8). How to Spot Hidden Sugar and How to Avoid Eating Too Much. Retrieved from
  2. Deer, L. (2016, December 12). Foods Jamaicans must avoid eating as you get older. Retrieved from


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